The path from my very first, somewhat clumsy attempts at capturing flowers with a camera at the age of 11 to my current floral artworks has been quite the journey. Yet, throughout that entire span of time, there was one constant thread in my life – I've always been drawn to flowers, gazing upon them for as long as I could, wherever they happened to bloom.
The first motif I ever photographed, the first motif I ever painted: a flower.
as long as I remember
One day I will have my own garden full of flowers...
One day I will live near a meadow full of flowers lit by the sunlight, near a forest...
In my eyes, watercolor is the best medium for painting flowers. Can you see how harmoniously its gentle characteristics blend with the delicate allure of flowers?
My floral watercolor artworks are about pure flowing colors, transparency and artistry of nature. The way the colors effortlessly blend mirrors the natural harmony of a blooming garden. The salt effects, adding a touch of spontaneity, echo the uniqueness of each and every flower. I hope, you can feel how this love for nature infuses my art with a sense of wonder and reverence.
Please find more background stories and inspiring details about the floral themes in my blog (My second collection – Transparency – Inspired by X-Ray Photography, Set of Watercolor Graphics “Meadow Magic”, Visualisation of “Meadow Magic” Usage).